Papageorgiou General Hospital
The Papageorgiou General Hospital is a Private Law Entity, non-profit in nature, fully integrated into the National Health System (ESY). It operates under the supervision of the Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity and is governed by a seven-member Board of Directors. Having commenced operations in August 1999, the establishment of University Clinics in 2004 marked the completion of the hospital's staffing in the best possible way. The hospital now maintains close collaboration with the Medical School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH). After many years of operation and according to an evaluation conducted by an international committee on behalf of AUTH, Papageorgiou Hospital is considered one of the best healthcare institutions in Europe in terms of both service capacity and quality of care provided to patients. Today, Papageorgiou Hospital hosts clinics and departments that cover the entire spectrum of tertiary hospital care. Additionally, it plays a significant educational role, offering medical and nursing specialization, continuous education, research, and training. The hospital also develops specialized training programs to further the professional development of healthcare professionals.