
Genolytica is a young SME located in Athens, Greece, bringing together a team of highly qualified and motivated scientists, whose expertise spans a variety of statistics and computer science domains. Its mission is to support life-scientists to answer medical or biological questions requiring bioinformatics and biostatistical analyses. The main offerings of Genolytica are centered on biostatistics, bioinformatics and analytics of high-throughput biological data derived from technologies such as Next Generation Sequencing, DNA/miRNA/protein microarrays and mass spectrometry. Currently, Genolytica offers consulting and analytics services as well as custom database and software design to life scientists. In addition, it develops state-of-the-art software for next generation medical decision support system using clinical genomics data and intelligent use of its knowledge-base, assembled from public related data sources. The platform aspires to offer simplified, affordable and high-quality analysis of high-throughput genomics data with initial focus on rare disease and the clinical interpretation of the results.