Invitation to the session that SEVPDE will organize for smartHEALTH EDIH, within the framework of the 27th Development Forum, with topic: “Financial Programs and Tools for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)”.
Regarding the activities within the framework of the smartHEALTH EDIH, the Region of Western Greece, the Federation of Enterprises and Industries of the Peloponnese and Western Greece (SEVPDE), and the Europe Direct of the Region of Western Greece, will co-organize a session with topic: “Financial Programs and Tools for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)”, which will take place at the “My Way” Hotel (16, Othonos Amalias Str, Patras), Aphrodite Hall, on Saturday 23/11/2024. This hybrid event will be held within the framework of the 27th Development Forum Network and will be streamed live via

- Kleomenis Barlos, Emeritus Professor, Chairman BoD of SEVPDE
- Takis Papadopoulos, Deputy regional Governor for Entrepreneurship, Research and Innovation, Region of Western Greece, Topic: “Development challenges for local entrepreneurship”
- Evangelia Georgitsi, Official of the European Commission, Communication Officer at the EC Representation in Greece, Topic: “The contribution of the National Recovery & Resilience Plan and other European programs to Greek and local society”
- Nikos Thomopoulos, Head of Unit A’, Managing Authority Region of Western Greece, Topic: “Financing opportunities for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) from the Operational Programme of Western Greece Region 2021-2027”
- Rozalia Thalassinou, Loans & State Aid Director, Hellenic Development Bank (HDB), Topic: “Funding opportunities from Hellenic Development Bank (HDB)”
- George Skarlatos, Head of Medium Enterprises Sector, National Bank of Greece (NBG), Topic: “Financial solutions and utilization of development programs for small and medium-sized enterprises by the National Bank of Greece”
- Maria Voutsina, Head of Europe Direct, Region of Western Greece
- Dr. Areti Mourka, Chief Operating Officer (COO), PATRAS ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES A.T.D.
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