smartHEALTH at the conference “Innovation Northern Greece 5.0: Innovation in Northern Greece and the bodies that support it”
smartHEALTH participates in the conference “Innovation Northern Greece 5.0: Innovation in Northern Greece and the bodies that support it” which will take place on Thursday the 25th of April and on Friday the 26th of April 2024, during the Beyond exhibition at the Pavillon 13, at the premises of Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF-HELEXPO).

Professor Dimitris Plexousakis, Director of the Institute of Computer Science at the Foundation for Research and Technology, and Coordinator of the EDIH smartHEALTH, will present smartHEALTH during the “Innovation in Health in Northern Greece” panel, on Thursday the 25th of April, at 17:55. Prof. Dimitris Plexousakis will introduce the innovative digital health solutions provided by smartHEALTH, discuss the challenges encountered by startups and SMEs of the Health sector, and share best practices aimed at enhancing the innovation ecosystem in Northern Greece
The conference
For the fifth consecutive year, the conference maps out, through 22 panels, 150 speakers and 10 workshops, innovation in Northern Greece by answering key questions, such as: How is innovation implemented in Northern Greece today? Who can benefit? Which sectors of the economy are affected? Which organizations support the effort of teams and companies to innovate? What financial tools are there? Is there any other help available?
Discussions and workshops will be attended by 55 key bodies and organizations that will visit Northern Greece to meet and network with local organizations.
The event is held as part of an initiative of Smart Attica ΕDIH. It’s co-organized by NBG Business Seeds, the Municipality of Thessaloniki, the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, CERTH, OK!Thess, the Alexander Innovation Zone, Tecs Capital, the Athens Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ACEin) of the Athens University of Economics and Business,, Μetavallon, Bayer Hellas, the Hellenic American Chamber of Commerce and the Hellenic Development Bank of Investments.