
Participation of smartHEALTH in the 10th Panhellenic Congress of Biomedical Technology: Promoting Intelligent Health and Digital Innovation

The smartHEALTH project continues to demonstrate its commitment to promoting intelligent health and digital innovation in the healthcare sector. Our participation in the 10th Panhellenic Congress of Biomedical Technology, which will take place from October 6 to 8, 2023, at the Thessaloniki Concert Hall, is an excellent opportunity for the exchange of ideas and knowledge with members of the scientific community and the business community with the aim of achieving smartHEALTH’s goals.

For more information about the congress, click here!

As part of the congress, smartHEALTH is organizing a roundtable discussion on “Interlinking companies and public organizations with research community in the context of smart health – The case of smartHEALTH EDIH (Symposium)”. The aim of this discussion is to examine the opportunities offered by collaboration between research/academic organizations and businesses in the field of intelligent health, as well as the challenges they face.

For more information about the program, click here!

Distinguished speakers such as Pantelis Natsiavas, Researcher Grade C at the Laboratory of eHealth at the Institute of Applied Biosciences of the National Center for Research and Technological Development, Marios Antonakakis, Associate Researcher at the Laboratory of Digital Image and Signal Processing at the Polytechnic University of Crete, and Apostolos Dimitriadis, Business Development & Innovation Manager at the Center for eHealth Applications and Services of the Information Technology Institute will participate in this discussion.

The speakers will present their views and experiences regarding collaboration between the academic and business worlds in the field of digital health. It is an opportunity for all participants to gain new ideas and explore ways to improve their collaboration in this important healthcare sector.

We invite you to participate in the discussion and share your ideas and knowledge about the future of intelligent health. We are confident that this event will contribute to the promotion of innovation and collaboration in the healthcare sector.

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