
Participation of smartHEALTH in the 6th EU Jobs and Mobility Roadshow

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smartHEALTH, the European Hub of Digital Innovation for Intelligent Health, successfully participated in the 6th EU JOBS AND MOBILITY ROADSHOW, an online event organized by the Greek Network of EUROPE DIRECT. The event took place on Monday, December 12, 2022, and constituted the largest gathering of knowledge and information on youth mobility and employment in the European Union.

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During the event, Mr. Dimitris Philippidis, project manager of smartHEALTH, presented the smartHEALTH hub, providing an interesting overview of its work and objectives. The presentation of smartHEALTH offered participants an opportunity to learn about the importance of digital innovation in the healthcare sector.

smartHEALTH develops a “one-stop-shop” space where small and medium-sized enterprises, startups, midcaps, and the public sector can gain specialized expertise to improve their business processes and products/services through digital technology. Specifically, smartHEALTH specializes in the fields of medical accuracy, cancer treatment, and the digital transformation of the public sector. Through research and development at national and international levels, smartHEALTH brings together leading organizations in the field of digital health, addressing challenges and opportunities in the healthcare sector.

The presence of the smartHEALTH hub at the 6th EU JOBS AND MOBILITY ROADSHOW strengthens the strategy for digital health in Europe and the international community. By participating in such events, smartHEALTH demonstrates its commitment to promoting digital innovation and medical accuracy to improve citizens’ health and boost the economy.

With its participation in the 6th EU JOBS AND MOBILITY ROADSHOW, smartHEALTH continues to achieve its goals for digital innovation in health, bringing positive changes to people’s lives and society’s development.

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